Sunday, September 5, 2010

Children and Food Ads

Okay, so I have an assignment for one of my Child &Family Studies classes, The Psychology of Food and we have to look for advertisements with children in it. As I'm searching Google I come across that Burger King commercial, from 2009, promoting the new Spongebob Squarepants kid's meal. When I first saw the commercial I was confused because they were after all promoting this as a KID'S MEAL but it was a lot of booty popping going on. It just didn't make any sense, this commercial was too sex-drived and they had the nerve to promote a children's show with it! Who were they really aiming this commercial towards, children or people my age?
It's not that I didn't think that the commercial was funny but Burger King and Nickelodeon chose the wrong audience to aim it at. It was pretty inappropriate and I'm sure that they probably received a lot of complaints from parents.