Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I'm pretty sure that by now everyone has viewed Ciara's new video... I actually like the video, it's a been a little while since we have heard from her and it's nice to see her back and STILL dancing! Her last album, Fantasy Ride, didn't do so well, so I'm hoping this one will do a lot better!
After watching this video and talking about it with some friends, I got a lot of mixed reviews, most of them negative and of course they were mainly from the females with an exception of like 10. "She's going too hard!, She's going IN for no reason!, She needs to eat, why is she soooo skinny!" And of course the guys had no complaints! Now matter you do in life there will ALWAYS be someone who will have something negative about what you are doing, but that should never mean that you should stop what you are doing. You can listen to what they have to say or just completely ignore it and move on because at the end of the day if YOU are happy with your accomplishments that is what matters, because those same people are going to be around when you succeed but most importantly they are going to be around when you fall to laugh at you and say, "I told you couldn't do it!"
This just goes to show you that you can't win with people! No matter how much you compromise, no one will ever be fully satisfied! But as long as you are, that's what matters!

So, here's the video!
Ciara featuring Ludacris - Ride